
Undergraduate Engineering

  1. Collaborative Research: Improving Undergraduate Education in Civil & Building Engineering through Student-centric Cyber-Physical Systems and Real-world Problems (National Science Foundation #2021384, $199,999)
    • PI: Kevin Han (NC State), Co-PI: Tamecia R. Jones & Jason Patrick (NC State), Youngjib Ham (Texas A&M University)

K12 Engineering

  1. The Engineering Place: Assessment Toolkit for Summer Informal Engineering Programming
  2. Epistemic Frame for K12 Engineering Education
  3. CAREER: Eradicate the Gate: Empowering Learners and Equalizing Assessment in K12 Engineering Education (National Science Foundation #2339619, $650,000)
    • PI: Tamecia Jones (NCSU)

Technological Innovations

  1. Software for Easier Video Data Research (SAVD) (2018, Invention Disclosure 2019)
  2. Remote Interview Application (RIA) (2018, Invention Disclosure 2019)

Interdisciplinary Collaborations

  1. Project RISE (Department of Education #S422B220010, $2.3M)
    • PI: Chrystal Johnson, Co-PI: Cornelius Bynun & Selcen Guzey (Purdue University) , Tamecia Jones (NCSU)